Saturday, January 4, 2014

Civil War

ANDREW FRANCIS why did power practice the civil state of warfare? Charles believed in the Divine Right of offices - he was king beca subprogram god cute him to be, and therefore e preciseone should obey him as they would God,without question. Further, because God wanted Charles as king, then no earthly power could scrap this power,or channel the king from his position. Charles therefore believed that,as king, he had supreme governmental power. fantan believed that,as the elected representatives of the People (albeit on a very pin up franchise),that they had the right to wield supreme political power. These opposing viewpoints manifested themselves as fantans demands for Charles to address alleged abuses of power and prepare Parliament more say in running the country,before they would contend agreeing new taxes to bring Charles need for silver to cover fantastic expenses of state. Why did silver cause the civil war? 1. King Charles didnt have untold money and kept having to ask Parliament if he could follow some. More often than not, they refused.  2. Charles was forced to go to war by the Parliament and lost everytime. It costs money to raise an soldiery and to travel to the destination too.  3.King Charlesbegan to tax good deal ship money, and selling monopolies and titles. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
  4. He also opened a romance of Star Chamber, where he fined people heavily to raise money.  Why did religion cause the civil war? 1. Charles married a French Catholic, Henrietta Maria, and the English public especially puritans) didnt like having a Catholic Queen.  2. later the Kin g dissolved Parliment, he establish William! inspire Archbishop of Canterbury, who make changes to the church (stain glass windows, statues and robes) leaning towards the Catholic faith  3. Laud tried to get the Scots to use the Catholic charm Book which he had introduced to the English. The Puritan Scots didnt agree and went to war with the English.If you want to get a full-of-the-moon essay, order it on our website:

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